Saturday, August 30, 2008

Savannah's first Sabbath at Church

We finally bit the bullet and made it to church despite a sleepless night! Thanks everyone for your love and support!

Savannah dressed up for church with Daddy! Dan Ganancial with his twin Savannah!
Savannah's favorite sleeping position!

Congratulations to Andrew and Thao

Savannah, at almost 3 weeks of age, went to her first wedding! was absolutely beautiful! We want to congratulate Thao and Andrew on their marriage...and for having one of the most magical weddings we've ever been to! The atmosphere was filled with love and warmth, they were surrounded by all the people who loved them most, the ceremony heartfelt, the bride absolutely radiant, the groom proud and handsome, the food exceptional, the atmosphere magical. Congratulations you two!

Friday, August 29, 2008

First day with Granny

Brad's parents flew into town today to finally meet their new granddaughter! We are so glad they are here and Savannah just loves to be held by Granny :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I love Mommy

Our new lifesaver

We discovered that Savannah loves the swing...that means WE love the swing! Off to dreamland little Savannah!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Auntie Linacel and Uncle Tom visit

Thank you Tom and Linacel for coming to meet Savannah! We had a great time seeing you both (which we need to do more often!!!) and Savannah was so good...we had a yummy lunch and of course...Coldstones!

Savannah's favorite sleeping position! Savannah's favorite sleeping position with Daddy!
Hi Auntie Linacel!
Savannah amazed by Auntie Linacel's pearly whites!
A perfect ending for a fun day!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My second Sabbath

Here is Savannah contemplating life after a diaper change. Life's pretty good!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

She's getting so big!

This is our daily Savannah fix :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thanks Lolo!

Thank you Lolo for coming in the evening time to watch me while my parents try to get a few things done! Lolo loves to see me smile and always tries to wake me up so he can see me awake! It's ok though because I love to hang with Lolo!

Why do my parents take so many pictures?!

One of the few times in the day that Savannah is awake and alert. The days go by so fast when you're trying to establish a routine with Savannah! Back to sleep!
"Look how tall I am already!"

Monday, August 18, 2008

Savannah...6 days old

Here is our daily Savannah fix :)

Awake... Asleep...
Inbetween... :)
She has dimples :)
Probably gas!

Meet the Family!

Saturday night, just a few of our family members came over to meet Savannah :) She met her great-grandma and grandpa (Abigail's mom's parents) and they fell in love with her just like we have!

Great-grandma and Great-grandpa in the middle of the family :) I guess she can sleep through anything right now!
Three generations...grandpa, great-grandpa (holding Savannah) and daddy Brad.
Auntie Becky watching Savannah make funny faces :)
2nd cousin Markie in Savannah's nursery. Cool balloon :)

Mike and Laura meet Savannah

August 15 was our 4 year wedding anniversary...AND it was also Mike Schulte's birthday! We love Mike and Laura, not only because they introduced us to each other (thanks guys!), but they are a sweet couple that we've had tons of memories, each other's weddings, name it! Thanks you Mike and Laura for coming to meet our little Savannah!

Savannah's first bath

Friday night we attempted to sponge bathe our little one for the first went well because she was sleepy! The warm water with the shampoo also seemed to help her drift off to dreamland...too cute! Wet hair!
Off to sleep!

Fun with Uncle D and Auntie Angie

Savannah is going to learn about her crazy uncle D and sweet auntie Angela soon enough :) Here we are Friday night spending time with Savannah. She's getting a lot of attention!
Boppy pillows can also be costumes!
Looking up at Auntie Angela :)

Faces of Savannah

Here is Savannah at almost 4 days old trying to communicate with mom and dad!

"I'm hungry!" "What was that noise?!"
"Don't you know I'm trying to sleep here?"
"Why won't you feed me?"
"All better now!"