Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Another Savannah fix

She's becoming more and more alert on a daily basis. What she loves to stare at:
1) Our faces
2) The blinds
3) Her mirror above the swing
4) Anything black and white

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bathtime fun!

Savannah loves her baths! It's one of the jobs Brad loves the most. Plus we get to see her curly hair come out when it gets wet :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Don't I Look Cute?!

At almost 6 weeks old...Savannah hung out at her grandparents home after Sabbath lunch.

"I'm sleepy Mommy!"
Savannah in her pink church dress :)
"Look how big I'm getting!"
Hanging out with Big Brown Bear! Doesn't she look like a doll? "Time for my nap!"

Friday, September 19, 2008

I see the light!

Savannah is getting so much stronger now! She loves the motorized swing and loves to stare at the mirror above her! So great if her parents need a few minutes to do something!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hi Auntie Thao!

Thanks Thao for coming all the way from San Francisco to have lunch with us and spend some time with Savannah! Since she's a Neonatal ICU nurse she was able to give us first time parents some tips on clearing our "little one's" nose...useful tips! Thanks Auntie Thao!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy 1 month Birthday Savannah!

Want an excuse to eat cake? Have a birthday party! Good thing it was Savannah's 1 month birthday! "Happy 1 month birthday to me!"
It's nice to have family close by! L to R - Lolo Villar, Dad, Uncle Eli and Auntie Val, Auntie Angie and Uncle D

"'re squishing me!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Savannah and Mommy

Some face to face time with Mommy!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Dad...can ya hold me straight?!?!

Right before we had to head to the airport, we took a few family pictures...but look at Savannah...she can't get comfortable!

"Dad...where should I look?!"
"Check out my karate moves!"
"Uh...I think I'm going to sneeze!"
" leg is starting to tingle from this position!"
"Should I make a funny face?"

Talking to Granny

Just before Granny left, Savannah had to spend some lap time with her to tell her just how much bigger she would be the next time they would see each other!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Savannah's Baby Dedication

Savannah had her baby dedication this Sabbath surrounded by family and our church family. Pastor Jon's prayer for her was heartfelt and you could feel the love in the sanctuary. Both sets of grandparents showed their support! It is our prayer that Savannah grows spiritually and feels the love of God daily.

Yummy food that Lola Villar made after church!
Don't mess with Savannah or you'll have to mess with her 2 uncles!

Our Little Monkey

Our Little Monkey loves spending time with Grammy and Grandpa Marlow...wish they could be here a lot longer!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pastor Jon with Savannah

Thanks Pastor Jon for coming over to help us prepare for Savannah's Baby Dedication :)

Is That Me?

Savannah is growing so fast it's crazy! Today she discovered the mirror above her in the swing!