Saturday, January 31, 2009

Little Miss Polka-dot Hood!

Our dear friend Cathy Keating bought Savannah the cutest little velvet polka-dot hooded coat! So fancy and so cute!

Here is Savannah ready for church! Fancy AND warm!
Hood hair!
Ready for her close up!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A New Toy

Well...after recommendations...she has an Exersaucer! A what?! Well, as much as she LOVES her swing, there wasn't much to stimulate her or strengthen her trunk and leg muscles (as we medical folks say! :) So...the Exersaucer has come to be her "personal trainer!" At first she hung on for dear life because it teeter tauters. But...she starting to get the hang of it!

The first scary days of the Exersaucer :)She still doesn't know what to make of it!
So much to look at!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rosy cheeks

We wanted to share these pictures of our "Rosy" girl! Her little personality is starting to show more and more...she's curious and very, very smiley!
"I've fallen...and I'm starting to be able to get up!" Haha
No teeth yet!
Morning hair!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The new shade of lipstick!

Yes...guess who is not a picky far :) Although Savannah is not the neatest of eaters...she sure loves her veges! Carrots were on the menu today at the Marlow household...and boy does she love them! Thank goodness! "Yummo!"

Monday, January 26, 2009

2 1/4 inch longer

We went to see her pediatrician today for a well-baby check and she's grown a whopping 2 1/4 inch to equal 26 1/4 inches long! As long as she's taller than her mom when she's grown :) She's happy and healthy! We're blessed :)

More of daddy's little girl!

Our "Juicy" girl with it me or do they have the same Marlow eyebrows?! :) Like Peas in a Pod!
I love my daddy!
...and Daddy love me!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thanks Auntie Ene!!!!

We are super lucky and blessed to have so many creative and crafty family members! And...our Auntie Ene is one of the best! She made Savannah a beautiful quilt that we are sure she will treasure forever :) Thank you Auntie Ene for the very thoughtful gift for Savannah...we all love it! Savannah...the proud owner of this beautiful personalized quilt!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

5 months old!

5 months already! Our little Savannah is babbling, trying to flip over and sticks everything...we mean everything in her mouth! :) She's a really good baby...she's very smiley, loves to see the world around her and loves to get on Skype with Grandma and Grandpa Marlow! Only 5 months old and already video conferencing :) We're waiting for the teething days...but for now...things are a lot of fun! We love that she is still sleeping 10-12 hours a night! She's trying a new food taste every week and she's not far! She loves cereal, squash, carrots, pears, apples, bananas...even her daily vitamins! We feel very blessed to have such a beautiful, healthy girl :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Hamilton's shower

We had a fun time at the Hamilton's baby shower Saturday night...another boy to add to the family! Wishing Debbie lots of luck on her delivery! Lot's of attention for Savannah :)
Mom and Savi
Little Brooke (14 months) loved trying to hug Savannah...too cute!
"Yes Daddy?"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

She did it!

She's finally holding up her head on a prone position...with no crying :) Our little Savannah has hated tummy time since the beginning...but we persisted! It's high time see see the world from a different perspective. It took some diversion but success!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Frog Legs for Breakfast!

Savannah has a new favorite toy...Froggy...his arms and legs are perfect to grab on too, swing around...and chew on!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Daddy's "Birfday" :)

Happy Birthday to Daddy Brad! Wow...another year went by super fast and we have another little person to share it with! Brad's first birthday as a dad! We had a nice little party with our family...per Brad's request :) Pizza and Ice Cream Cake! Red Velvet cake with Birthday Cake ice cream...yummo! What a nice evening :)

Savannah's bib for church...Happy Birthday Daddy :) Big Card!
Delish Cake!' :)
Our new family :)