Friday, February 27, 2009

It's time to go to Sabbath School...

Jesus loves the little children...even Savannah! Yes...Mom feels a little dorky for having a camera in Sabbath School... oh well! :)
Church friends! Brooke and Savannah...
Potluck is she gets to roll around on the lace tablecloths!
spring has sprung!

Future Senior graduation slideshow photo!

Boy...she'll love this when she looks back years from now!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

6 months and counting...

There is no way that 6 months has gone by this fast! She is sitting up and is loving her world around her...still working on her crawling skills...she hates being on her belly! 6 months old...1/2 way to 1 year!
Look at them cheeks!
Thanks Grandma Villar for the beautiful cake!!
The story of her of attention!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Look mom!!! On my own!!

Hold the presses...she's sitting on her own...still a little wobbly but hey...we can walk away!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Age is only a number...right?!

They just HAD to put on 30 something candles on the cake didn't they :) Thanks guys for a yummy birthday! Love you all...and thank you for the great and thoughtful gifts! Oh...and for the super delish Coldstones oreo ice cream cake! Savannah...eyeing the Mexican food with great interest...
Uncle D and me's not nice to make fun of your elders! :)
Thanks guys!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl Pahhhtaay :)

Thanks Tammy Sugihara for throwing a "Super" fun Superbowl party...Brad and I had a great time...but Savannah...not so much! She startles easily...and so she was a little traumatized with each collective yell we would all make! We can't really go around scaring her in order to get used to it! She's just going to have to spend lots of time with Mommy watching 49er games! Ok...and a few Cowboy games to make Daddy happy!

3d commercials... Savannah...a little bit traumatized by all the sport yellings :)