Sunday, October 12, 2008

Country bumpkin Pumpkin

This afternoon we took a trip to Larry's Pumpkin Patch! It was a clear, autumn day, and it was Savannah's first ever trip to see the big orange squashes :) There were tons to choose from and we can't wait until Savannah can run around and pick one out herself! We ended up choosing 2 big round orange ones, 1 Cinderella looking reddish-orange flatish one, a big spotted green apple looking one and small orange, yellow and white ones! It was a successful trip to the Pumpkin Patch!

"Me and Daddy sittin' on a pumpkin...don't I look like a pink Gilligan?!" "Daddy...why are you putting me on the ground?!"
"Me and my parentals at the pumpkin patch."
"Whoa...I thought I was small...but I feel REALLY small!"
Next to the 1200 lb. pumpkin!

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