Thursday, November 27, 2008

Savannah's First Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving 2008, we flew to Oklahoma City to visit Brad's Family and to introduce our "Little Britches" to the Marlow Clan. Savannah's first flight was quite the experience, but it was overall tolerable thanks to Daddy Brad who lovingly changed Savannah's dirty "dipes" on the poorly equiped Southwest airplane. Note to Southwest...ya need changing stations! But we survived thank the Lord! Thank you also to all the men (no women) who chose to sit next to us and our baby...there are nice, understanding men out there after all! :)

It was nice to see Mom and Dad Marlow again and show them how big Savannah has grown in the 3 months since they had seen her. The house was already beautifully decorated for Christmas and we had a great time.

Savannah posing with Daddy, Brad's cousin Chris, and Uncle Gary Savannah spending time with her beautiful second cousin Marlow and her mom Jenny
Meeting all the cousins
Savannah and Marlow (one month apart in age)
Looking cute in her pink hat and sleepy clothes :)
Savannah's new thing is to suck on her bottom least it's not her thumb...yet :)
Little Savannah...Big Couch!
Whoops...must practice the sitting up thing!
"See! I can sit up!"
She loves sleeping on Daddy! Of course she's the most comfortable when it looks uncomfortable!
Sooner Fan starting out at almost 4 months!
Grandma's first rocking chair!
Loving the Bjorn!

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