Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Look

We've found out that every week there is something new...something different. Well...this is the new thing...ENJOY!

Hangin' with Grammie and Grandpa

Seven months old...and all ready a ham...we think she gets it from Grandpa! Love the face!

Friday, March 27, 2009

First Solo at church!

It was Sabbath and all the Sabbath school classes had a little part in the program. Savannah decided it was time to make her singing debut! "Aaahh...Aaahh!" Yes Savannah...we can hear you!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Academy of Science in SF

We packed everyone up in the LC and headed out to Golden Gate Park to visit the new Academy of Science in SF. A rainforest, aquarium, living roof, planetarium...super fun! A must see if you're ever in the area!

Cold in the shade...isn't she stylish in her blanket and mom's scarf! She was in awe of all the swimming things :)
The rainforest full of butterflies, birds and nasty reptile things in cages...humid too.
The temperature put her right to sleep!
Under the rainforest view...
Grandpa and Grandma Marlow enjoying the view!
Savannah and sharky
Slurpy from daddy
Love this picture
Wide-eyed after her warm rainforest nap
Tellytubby land!
Family shot with the De Young Museum behind us (also a great museum!)
Little Giggles!
Grandma and Grandpa Villar
It's the roof people! It's supposed to be like the 7 hills of SF...
Enjoying the sun with Mommy

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

They're Here!

We wish we were all closer, but we are so glad that Grandma and Grandpa Marlow can come and visit their one and only chickadee granddaughter all the way from Oklahoma. After picking them up at the airport...we made a beeline to the public market over in Emeryville for some quick eats!

Savannah with Grammy Don't Bite please! Like father, like Son!
Must bring out the video camera! :)
Savannah's new trick...if you squinty smile...she squinty smiles :) Love it!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom and Grandma...Gong!

"Where do you want to go for your birthday dinner mom?"
"Oh, somewhere with rice!"

So off to Cha-am we went...her favorite! We are a family of Thai food lovers so Cha-am rocked! We got our favorite usuals, the waiters got Savannah to smile (who was sitting so quietly in her chair!!!), the ice cream cake was delicious (we've been having a lot of ice cream cake lately...must cut back)...then came the Happy Birthday gong. What is that you may ask?

"Happy birthday to you...GONG...Happy birthday to you...GONG..." You get it...it was great! :)

Doesn't mom look great for her age?! the GONG show!
Someone loves Grandma!
She was unusually quiet for being in a restaurant! :) Sleepy :)
The happy couple!
Something's cooking in the oven! Fresh from their Hawaii vacation...travel now!! Before the kidlet comes I tell ya!
Sorry Eli...I know you're in Chile on a mission trip...you missed some good Thai!
Awwww.... :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Auntie Edith!

Let's just say...hope I look that good when I'm 50! Happy birthday Auntie! We all gathered at my uncle Wilson and Auntie Edith's home on Sabbath afternoon for a surprise birthday gathering. She came down from her nap early and didn't even think her house full of people was unusual! Typical Filipino mentality...the more the merrier! Yummy ice cream cake! Surprise!
Grandma HAD to show her off :)
Hello to you too Pastor Famorcan! :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Goofing around...

Oh Savannah...oh don't you cry for me :) What does your family do to you?! Crazy Friday night family suppers! Nothing better to do but to make you look silly :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

7 months and counting!

Someone once said..."Times fun when you're having flies!" Time sure has flown by since Savannah entered our universe (except for maybe those sleepless first couple months...but we won't go into that). They weren't kidding when they said that life seems to accelerate when you have kids. Even though you take it day by day...watching Savannah grow like a weed really makes you think about taking advantage of every moment...everyday. So here she is...7 months in all her glory! Nope...no teeth yet...but she is more vibrant everyday. And boy...she is sure talkative in that baby babble sort of way!

Squeeze you too! The intensity is unmistakable! :)
Ok...now I'm happy :)
"You talkin' to me?!"
Catching up on the headlines with Auntie Valerie!