Wednesday, March 11, 2009

7 months and counting!

Someone once said..."Times fun when you're having flies!" Time sure has flown by since Savannah entered our universe (except for maybe those sleepless first couple months...but we won't go into that). They weren't kidding when they said that life seems to accelerate when you have kids. Even though you take it day by day...watching Savannah grow like a weed really makes you think about taking advantage of every moment...everyday. So here she is...7 months in all her glory! teeth yet...but she is more vibrant everyday. And boy...she is sure talkative in that baby babble sort of way!

Squeeze you too! The intensity is unmistakable! :) I'm happy :)
"You talkin' to me?!"
Catching up on the headlines with Auntie Valerie!

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